
May 10, 2024

What does it mean to be “in contract” when selling your home?

Being “in contract” when selling your home means more than you and the buyer have executed a contract of sale.  Before we get into the complete meaning of being in contract, lets first discuss what should have taken place before you went into contract. Prior to moving to the contract stage of your sale several […]

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May 5, 2024

Updates to the Realtor NAR Settlement that impact all homeowners

Updates to the Realtor NAR Settlement that impact all homeowners For those not aware there is a settlement between all realtors and the government about a business practice that is going to change in August of this year, it was originally slatted to take effect in July but has now been pushed back.  How does […]

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April 26, 2024

What is a home inspection and why every seller wants a buyer to hold one?

A home inspection is preformed a by a State licensed home inspector. What is the home inspector looking at? Everything. The home inspectors job is to tell the buyer all that is wrong with the home. That’s right! So why does a seller want the home buyer to have home inspection? First let me say […]

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