WThe website https://www.rewiringamerica.org is a great resource. I found on their website the following information about upgrades that you can make that will actually save you money.
- Changing to energy efficient light bulbs. $240 estimated cost. $200 a year savings.
- Using an energy efficient thermostat. $240 estimated cost. $100 a year savings.
- Installing double pain windows. $1,570 for 5 to 7 windows estimated cost. $600 a year savings with 30% tax credit.
- Installing a heat pump water heater. $5,300 estimated cost. $120 a year savings.
- Install Roof top solar panels . $9,640 estimated cost. $100 a year savings. It is my opinion having solar panels can bring up the value of your home.
- Install heat pump. $16,600 estimated cost. $330 a year savings. However if a home has electrical resistance, fuel oil, or propane heat, savings can be $1,000 per year.
It is worth exploring this website. They have a savings calculator and a ton of resources. I highly recommend them. Also many of these upgrades help add value to your home, whether you are selling your home yourself, or using a realtor.